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16 oct

Plazas en el IEGD – CSIC

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Escrito por: julio Pérez Díaz.

El Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía del CSIC, en el que trabajo, oferta dos plazas de Investigador Científico en la próxima convocatoria de empleo público. Los perfiles ya son oficiales,


Todavía no hay fechas para el concurso, pero sí para las expresiones de interés junto al CV, que deberían llegar a lo largo de esta semana, a través de Naturejobs o Euroaxess. Si te interesa no te duermas, es muy poco para empezar. Reproduzco a continuación la convocatoria que el CSIC ha publicado en su Wiki informativo:

International Call for Permanent Positions at CSIC (OEP)

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, see opens regularly permanent research positions in all scientific fields to join its research institutes and centers. These calls are open under the "Oferta Publica de Empleo (OEP)" in Spain.

These positions are funded as civil servants, offering a permanent employment contract with full social security and retirement coverage and benefits; candidates:
-must hold a PhD, being equivalent to an spanish PhD
-must be spanish or any other EU-nationality

Selected candidates are expected to develop a long-term scientific career, perform independent research, attract competitive funding, and establish their own research groups or join to existing ones playing a relevant role.

Applications from women are especially welcome.

The calls are listed below.

They can be found in the spanish official bulletin (BOE, see and also in the corresponding CSIC page (see )


-9 positions as Research Full Professors (Profesores de Investigacion, N29), WILL OPEN IN SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER "19


-25 positions as Researchers (Investigadores Cientificos, N28), WILL OPEN IN SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER "19


If you are potentially interested, send a mail to vicyt [at] for further info on how to apply, as some previous steps may require some time (like crediting the equivalent PhD).
Please include a copy of you short CV, and indicate clearly the profile and specific center you plan to apply. All info will be kept confidential, and erased from our records after the application has been completed.


(for reference, where specific conditions can be checked)
-2 positions as Research Full Professors (2016)
(in Spanish, official call)

-7 positions as Researchers (2017)
(in Spanish, official call)

CSIC portal to check all open positions and status of calls (in Spanish):

SELECTION PROCEDURE (as of julio 2019)

The selection process will be a merit-based competition divided in TWO phases:


Objective: Verification and qualification of the merits presented by the applicants in their CV, as well as in the documentation provided.
? Oral and public presentation by the applicant, maximum time one hour, of the alleged merits and of the scientific work developed described in the CV.
? The jury will discuss with the applicant, without time limit, the content of his/her oral presentation, being able to formulate all the questions that it deems appropriate and, mainly, those related to the most relevant work topics of his/her research.

Merits (Up to 40 points)

Up to 8 points: Scientific and/or technological objectives pursued throughout his/her research career, with emphasis on the key lines of future research.

Up to 18 points: Scientific and/or technological contributions made taking into account their quality and impact. The qualification of this section must adequately assess two types of contributions based on the scientific and/or technological orientation of the applicant"s research activity. Scientific contributions should be valued in the form of original published research papers and in the direction and participation in R&D research projects with public and private, national and international entities.
In the case of candidates with a technological profile, considering: 1) Technological contributions, assessing the quality and impact of licensed patents; 2) Creation of Technology Base companies with technology transfer agreements with Public Research Organizations and with other entities professionally related to the applicant. 3) Participation in contracts and R&D projects with public and private, national and international entities.

Up to 14 points: The writing and publication of books, book chapters, monographs, etc. that are the result of scientific work and have not been considered or valued in the previous section. The preparation of scientific reports and participation in works and reports of scientific advice and technological support. Geological, hydrological, oceanographic, energetic, environmental, biosanitary or any other scientific studies carried out for research purposes. Representation and participation in national and international scientific and/or technological organizations and institutions. Jobs or stays in national and foreign research centers. Participation in scientific and / or technological conferences, seminars, courses.
The supervision of doctoral dissertations or thesis. The supervision and training of research staff. The publication of scientific and/or technological articles in dissemination journals.
Any other merit claimed by the applicant related to the specialty object of the call.

Final score: The final score of each applicant in this phase will be determined by the sum of the scores assigned in each of the sections a), b) and c) of the scale, being necessary to reach at least 20 points to pass to the 2nd phase. In no case may the score obtained in this 1st phase be applied to pass the 2nd phase.


Objective:Verify the appropriateness of the merits, competencies and abilities of the applicants with the characteristics and functions of the position for which they apply.

Oral and public presentation by the applicant, during a maximum time of one hour, of his/her vision about the current state of the profile object of the call, as well as of its possible lines of evolution and of the activity that the candidate plans to develop in relation to them.

The Evaluation Tribunal will discuss with the applicant, for a maximum time of 30 minutes, about the exposed scientific knowledge and about all the aspects that they consider relevant in relation to the subject. And they will evaluate his/her knowledge of the call´s profile and of the innovations and scientific advances that he/she has experienced, as well as his/her vision of the evolution of the area in the future and of the possible research lines.

Merits (Up to 10 points)
Up to 4 points: his/her knowledge and vision of the evolution of the scientific or technological research area.
Up to 6 points: The applicant"s contribution to the advancement of knowledge. The degree of innovation, originality and feasibility of the lines of research to be developed.

Final score
The final score of each applicant in this phase will be determined by the sum of the scores assigned in each of the sections, being necessary to reach at least 5 points to pass this phase.

Música en ApdD: Jamiroquai – Bad Girls / Singin’ in the Rain (Live)

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Artículo publicado por Apuntes de demografía by julio Pérez Díaz , bajo licencia  Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 España License.

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