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24 sep

Trabajo en el Max Planck

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Escrito por: julio Pérez Díaz.

Una de las instituciones punteras en la demografía mundial nos hace llegar una oferta de trabajo en su Laboratorio de Demografía Digital y Computacional. Reproduzco a continuación su email con la información relacionada y los links en los que podrán ampliarla e inscribirse quienes estén interesados:

Asunto: JOB OFFER: W2 Research Faculty Position (equivalent to Associate Professor) in the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography
Fecha: Mon, 23 sep 2019 08:47:54 +0100
De: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research <000036858175b520-dmarc-request@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Responder a: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research <gosselck@DEMOGR.MPG.DE>

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is recruiting a highly qualified Research Faculty, to join the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography. The successful candidate would be appointed at a W2 level (equivalent to Associate Professor in the German academic system) in the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography.

MPIDR is one of the leading demographic centers in the world. It is part of the Max Planck Society, a network of 84 institutes that form Germany’s premier basic-research organization. Max Planck Institutes have an established record of world-class, foundational research in the sciences, technology, social sciences and the humanities. They offer a unique environment that combines the best aspects of an academic setting and a research laboratory.

The Lab of Digital and Computational Demography, headed by MPIDR Director Emilio Zagheni, is looking for an outstanding candidate with background in Demography, Data Science, Computer Science, Statistics, Economics, Sociology, Geography, Applied Mathematics, Public Health, Public Policy, or related disciplines.

The successful candidate must have a PhD and is expected to have a demonstrated track-record in conducting cutting-edge research that produces methodological advances in the field of Digital and Computational Demography and/or addresses relevant questions in the following key substantive areas of demography:

i. Migration and mobility;
ii. Population aging and generational processes;
iii. Social and environmental dynamics, as related to demographic change.

Experience in managing research teams and mentoring and training doctoral students as well as a strong track record in securing external funding strengthen the application. The successful candidate would take a leadership role within the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography.

The growing Lab of Digital and Computational Demography brings together methodologists (from areas like Statistics, Computer Science or Mathematical Demography) with experts in areas of the Social Sciences (e.g., Sociology, Geography, Economics, etc.) in order to favor cross-pollination of ideas, to advance methods and theory, and to address pressing questions for our societies.

Examples of project areas relevant for the Lab include (but are not limited to):

1) Combining traditional data sources as well as those that emerge from the digitalization of our lives to study demographic processes, like migration, health and well-being, intergenerational relationships and gender disparities.

2) Developing innovative forms of data collection for demographic research (e.g., surveys via web and social media advertisement platforms, or data collected via sensors, tracking devices, mobile phone apps, or crowd-source approaches).

3) Developing simulation models of individual choices and population-level processes to produce new insights on demographic dynamics and advance population theory.

4) Evaluating the impact of the digitalization of our lives on demographic behavior, well-being, migration and, more broadly, population processes.

5) Modeling, estimating and predicting the relationships between environmental change, and demographic processes, and disease dynamics and population change.

For more information about the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography, see:

Applications have to be submitted online via and include the following documents:

1 Curriculum Vitae

2 Letter of interest (Max 1 page)
Briefly state why you are interested in joining MPIDR, how MPIDR could foster your
professional development, and in which ways your interests fit the research strengths
3 Research Statement (Max 2 pages)
Briefly describe your research accomplishments, as well as ongoing and future research
plans. Please also describe your technical skills, areas of expertise, as well as offer
evidence of leadership in the field.
4 Statement of mentorship experience (Max 1 page)

5 Names and contact information for 3 academic references

6 3 recent publications

In order to receive full consideration, applications should be submitted by octubre 17th, 2019. The successful applicant will be initially offered a 5-year contract. The salary is based on scale W2. For inquiries about the position, please contact

Our institute values diversity and is committed to employing individuals from minorities. Individuals with severe disability are especially welcome to apply. Our Institute and the Max Planck Society also seek to increase the proportion of women in areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourage women to apply.

Música en ApdD: Pardo, Benavent, di Geraldo: Bulerias

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Artículo publicado por Apuntes de demografía by julio Pérez Díaz , bajo licencia  Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 España License.

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